The Real "Black" Ops
I have a bad habit of leaving my television on for extended periods of time when I'm really not watching it. One night I had it on in the background while working late on a personal project. My show (which I was paying zero attention to) was interrupted with the breaking news announcement from President Obama that we finally got Bin Laden. So in response to everyone in the past saying our president was soft on terror, I took my love of video games and weaved it into a statement. My faux ads for Call of Of Duty Black OPS II virally found their way to the actual creatives and agency working on the real account at that time, and they in turn shared it with the people at Activision. While this was me just "messing around" that night, I use it as an example to young creatives just starting out that an idea can hit you at anytime and it's okay if it's not for a client you actually work on.