AT&T Back to '84
Part AT&T Thanks' customer loyalty program more or less meant you could get deals and discounts on current AT&T Thanks partners. These deal partnerships ranged from restaurants, electronic accessories, to fashion but because the Thanks program was a smaller initiative budget-wise within the halls of AT&T, some of the deals weren't that exciting, and our budgets to market this was relatively small. But with AT&T's acquisition of Warner Media, the door cracked open for us to bring the world of AT&T Thanks and the premiere of WW1984 together. It was a simple, yet big idea. Inspired by the time period and the 80's mall scene in the movie we thought how cool would it be to give AT&T Thanks members the whole WW84 in-theatre experience at 1984 prices. This was also the right time to do this considering the movie was debuting in theaters right when people were just starting to get back out into the world post-pandemic and movie theaters were still hurting for customers. Not only did we have to obviously get this green lit by our AT&T clients, we actually had to put this idea in front of Patty Jenkins herself, the director of both Wonder Woman movies. Leading up to the theatrical debut, we pulled off surprise and delight deals for some lucky Thanks members by giving them the chance to grab other limited time/quantity items at 1984 prices.